PowerPACS DICOMmail is VETinfo SYSTEMS' DICOM through e-mail solution. DICOMmail comes with our FREE Basic RSVS Viewer and presents the ideal solution for those seeking outside consulting. Users can send DICOM images through e-mail by simply dragging-and-dropping files; converting JPEG, GIF, and/or BMP images into DICOM format, if needed; and then clicking Send. The consulting user can view the images in the Basic RSVS Viewer after a quick and easy Internet download of the DICOMmail application.
PowerPACS DICOMmail was developed to address the need for electronic data
exchange between healthcare organizations and their partners, including associated
physicians, consultants, diagnostic imaging centers, clinics, and insurance carriers.
The PowerPACS DICOMmail solution allows users to anonymize images
according to user-defined parameters. Users can then send the images and a
message to healthcare providers, doctors, referring physicians, and even patients.
When the recipients open the message, they are able to view them in our free
Basic RSVS DICOM Viewer.

Digital Distribution
- Supports JPEG, GIF, and/or BMP images to send through email
- Flexible solution with Internet application
- Anonymizes images according to user-defined parameters
- Excellent way to allow referring physicians to view patient images
- Can distribute full-fidelity DICOM images to diagnostic or clinical viewing stations
Extension of the DICOM infrastructure
- Goes beyond medical images
- Maintains structure and quality of each image sent
- Can send video and audio clips with image studies
- Simple drag-and-drop operation for DICOMmail messages
- All the advantages of ordinary e-mail, flexible and economic Handles Structured Reports, ECG and Hemodynamic Waveforms, Encapsulated Documents, Presentation States, Graphic Annotations, Bitmap Plane Overlays, Key Image Notes, etc.